Service Requests

The plan is to sort and batch. Batches are scheduled periodically or whenever there is enough work to make an economically responsible purchase. For example, tree trimming is scheduled twice in the Fall and Spring.
All service requests should be made using the online form on this page (click on photo to the right). The form will be used to approve, assign, track, and archive service requests.
A form should include only one service item. If you have more than one, please fill out a second form.
Approve - Requests will be screened by the board to determine if the request is an HOA responsibility. They will reply to requests within a week.
Assign - Approved orders will be sorted and batched into processing queues.
Track - This form will be used through the entire process; approval to billing.
Archive - Completed service requests are used in the billing approval process and archived for identifying trends and solutions that work best.

Emergencies - If you have an emergency, please call 9-1-1. If you have a situation that requires immediate interior remediation, please get in touch with your insurance company. If you have a situation that requires immediate exterior remediation, please get in touch with the management company at (972) 248-2351.
This page is under development below this point.

Note: This section is currently in draft form and under development with a 4/2/23 estimated completion date.
Pool/bathroom/pool house -
Tennis court -
Community grill -
Pet park/bag dispensers -
Vehicle/pedestrian gates -
Landscaping -
Tree-tall -
Tree-short -
Irrigation -
Ground water/drainage -
Porter/maid services -
Storm debris -
Extermination (rodents/mosquitos) -
Exterior lighting -
Rainwater leak -
Siding /trim repair -
Masonry/bricks concrete -
Iron fence -
Sewer -
Foundation/structure -
Other - All service requests
All service requests
All service requests
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