Mica Lunt steps down as LBT Board President.

The second half of the 2019-2020 fiscal year will begin with three appointed board members who are temporarily filling board seats until the July election.
2019 was an unusual year with turnover of the property management team and three HOA board of directors.
Mica Lunt has stepped down after selling his home which was shortly after HOA director Ty Abston left (home sale). CMA assigned a third property manager to the LBT account, Emily Christodoulides.
In the meantime, Robert Bauer and Brian Wenning have stepped up and volunteered to assist with board issues until the next election. It’s a very strong and motivated team that is organizing and ramping up to serve the community over the next six months. A new board president will be elected by the board in January. The board currently consists of Steven Solcher, Joy Dennis, Robyn Parrot, Brian Wenning, and Robert Bauer. Other articles on board staffing are here.
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